
Online Catalog

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Digital Collection

To check out ebooks and streaming audiobooks, first download the Libby for OverDrive app below. Then, through the app, search for our collection under the name “Hamilton Digital Library.” Finally, log in using your Signal Mountain Library card number.


New York Times

Access our New York Times subscription.


Library cards are free to residents of the Town of Signal Mountain. To open an account, you'll need to provide proof of residence (driver’s license, water bill, etc.). Non-residents may purchase an annual family membership for a fee of $70 (cash or check only).

Toddler Storytime takes place every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. (October – May)

The Book Nook, a used bookstore on our lower level, is always open during business hours.

Notary: We have a certified notary on staff available during regular business hours. Our fee is twenty dollars per person per visit—cash or check only. In order to manage our time most effectively, we ask that you make an appointment at least twenty-four hours in advance. For a complete list of services provided, click here. (Mortgages, which require a different certification, are excluded.) Please address all inquiries to Lisa Garbee at or call 423-886-7323.

Passports: The Signal Mountain Library now serves as an official U.S. Passport Application Processing Center. If you or anyone in your family needs to apply for a U.S. passport, we will be happy to help. (Renewals are handled by the passport holder, but we can provide you with the necessary form.) In order to make things run as smoothly as possible, please bear in mind the following:

1. Because of the time involved, passport service is by appointment only. We do not accept walk-ins. To make an appointment, please call us at 423-886-7323 or email

2. There are two fees that must be paid at the time of your appointment. The execution fee for passport service is $35, payable by cash or check to the Signal Mountain Library. The application fee, paid by check to the U.S. State Department, will vary depending on the type of passport and speed of service requested.

3. You must also provide your own passport-compliant photograph. The CVS on Ridgeway Avenue is one convenient option for this essential step.

Beyond these points, remember, too, that the rules and regulations governing passport applications are complex. Please be patient with us and the process as a whole.

For more information, visit

Genealogy: The Signal Mountain Library serves as a FamilySearch affiliate library, which means our patrons now enjoy greater and more convenient access to a wealth of genealogical resources. We are one of only a few hundred such affiliates in the country. The popular web service has over 6 billion searchable names and 2 billion images of historical genealogical records. FamilySearch adds over 300 million items of information—including birth, marriage, death, census, land, and court records—to its database every year. The service is available to the public free of charge during regular business hours.

Volunteers: We value our generous patrons who, through their donations of time and enthusiasm, assist our staff in essential daily operations and special events. The library is pleased to provide volunteer opportunities for those interested. No knowledge of library practices is necessary, though we do request a two-hour time commitment. The minimum volunteer age requirement is 18.

Materials Donations: Fiction and nonfiction are always welcome. We’re especially in need of children’s books. You can drop off donations any time during regular business hours.

Financial Donations: Donations of money to the Signal Mountain Library are tax-deductible. We are always happy to provide written documentation for any gift, although the IRS requires a receipt only for amounts over $250. Checks should be made out to “Signal Mountain Library.”

ContactPhone: 423-886-7323

Signal Mountain Library
1114 James Blvd.
Signal Mountain, TN 37377